4 research outputs found

    Deall sgiliau a llythreneddau digidol pobl amgueddfeydd y DU Adroddiad Cyfnod Dau

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    Mae ‘One by One’ yn manteisio ar ysgoloriaeth amlddisgyblaeth er mwyn deall sut i gyflenwi fframwaith trawsffurfiol ar gyfer llythrennedd digidol y gweithlu amgueddfeydd. Amcan cyfnod cyntaf y prosiect oedd mapio sut mae sgiliau digidol yn cael eu cyflenwi, eu datblygu a’u defnyddio ar hyn o bryd yn sector amgueddfeydd y Deyrnas Unedig, ac i adnabod newidiadau presennol yn y galw o ran y sgiliau hyn

    Understanding the digital skills & literacies of UK museum people – Phase Two Report

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    ‘One by One’ leverages interdisciplinary scholarship to understand how to deliver a transformative framework for museum workforce digital literacy. Phase Two of the One by One project explored the digital skills and literacies that people who work and volunteer in museums need. We looked at ways of defining, articulating and understanding those needs, building upon the findings of Phase One and using a range of research and consultation methods